
Showing posts with the label while god was busy with creation what were the angels doing

Let it go: Take you to know the angel, and explain which country it is a mythical product and what does it eat?

People always use "angels and devils" as a metaphor for "good people and bad people". So, what are angels? Are they from Chinese mythology? It seems that they are not gods, do they need to eat food like humans? What exactly do they eat? So, curious babies, follow the ideas of the editor, and the editor will popularize science for you. Two angels are tinking!(The picture comes from the network) 1.Who created the angel? What are they all? According to online information, angels come from Greek mythology, referring to the messengers of God, the messengers from heaven, who are appointed by God to be the bridges for God’s messages to be brought into the world. An angel is a "pure body" that often symbolizes holiness, goodness, and integrity. According to the form, there are two types of angels: the first one has a flesh and blood body, that is, the human beings that exist in the world; the second one is without a flesh and blood body, that is, only the state of